Responding to Reading Dene Gainey Responding to Reading Dene Gainey

R2R: Lemons


Lemons was an amazing story filled with incredible content and, bigfoot. It is about a girl named Lemonade who is moving in with her grandfather because her mother recently passed from cancer. When she gets there she meets a boy her age named Tobin. Tobin owns a company called Bigfoot Detectives Inc. (Since they live in the bigfoot capitol of the world). Tobin makes Lemonade his assistant. They go on many explorations together to search for the bigfoot. Towards the end of the book Tobin's lost dad is found in the woods. In the end Lemonade's discovery is beyond words.


I really, really enjoyed this book. My favorite part was when Tobin's dad was found and able to come back to his family. I can connect to Lemonade when she made new friends. Overall this story moved me, and I definitely recommend it.

By: Kate


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