Dene E. Gainey

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EdCampOrange - 1/28/2017

Just when you thought that the learning was over, EdCampOrange occurred at Cypress Creek High School in Orlando. When you are a lifelong learner, the learning really never stops, the sharing continues to happen and your thirst for more may never fully be quenched. I like surrounding myself with people who share in that passion.

Sean Farnum (@magicpantsjones) opened the day with the first session on podcasting. He spoke about the excitement kids had with regards to being able to share their voices with the world, gaining a global audience. Further, he discussed the student growth that podcasting allows. 

Carlos Fernandez (@fernandezc4 on Twitter) led the conversation on Minecraft EDU and its increasing excitement for educators and students alike. Minecraft is a well-known game played by many students we interact with on a daily basis.

This was my first time attending EdCamp Orange and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to continue learning. I am eager to get started with podcasting as we move forward with the school year.